East Texas Showdown

Howdy and welcome to the Texas Showdown Series, the brainchild of native Texan, Patrick Farnsworth, host of the Bikes or Death podcast.
The TSS was created to give adventure cyclist opportunities to explore three very different regions of Texas. From the Pine Curtains of East Texas, to the Hills of Central Texas, and to the remote and rugged desert of West Texas.
The TSS blurs the lines between a traditional bikepacking race and gravel races. Because of the unique format of these events we have adopted our own rules.
Lowdown – is a bikepacking ride with designated campsites for participants. It is most certainly not a race and your time is not tracked. This event is a solo-self-supported bikepacking ride where you will be expected to carry everything you need to complete the ride, be able to fix your bike, and rely on resources that are on route and available to every other rider. Of course, there is no penalty for breaking any of these “rules”, but we ask that participants adhere to the spirit of this event and of bikepacking at large.
Slowdown & Showdown – These two events follow the golden rule of bikepack racing…Solo, Self-supported, and they WILL be enforced. The golden rule encapsulates the rules and spirt of bikepack racing, do it yourself.