Antelope Island Buffalo Run
This will be the 20th year for the Buffalo Run.
If you have run either the 50 mile or 100 mile in the past, the actual course remains the same, but the order in which you run the trails will be different. The start is at the marina. You will go about 11.5 miles straight south to the Ranch. After reaching the Ranch, you will turn around and run back up the Mountain View Trail to the fence. Turn left at the fence and run up the hill and along the dirt road next to the fence. Follow the dirt road as it sweeps right. There will be a short section of pavement before you head out on the Lakeside trail over to the next aid station at Bridger Bay campground. Continue around the Lakeside trail and down the dirt road over to the White Rock Bay trailhead. Run the trail out to the Elephant Head aid station, the out and back on the Elephant Head trail, then continue around the Split Rock Loop and back to Elephant Head aid. After that run back to the White Rock Bay trailhead. Turn right and follow the fence back down to the Mountain View trail. Turn left and run back to the marina. If you’re running the 100 mile, go out and do it again.