Hood Hundred

Welcome to Hood Hundred, a 100 mile mountain trail run on much of Mt. Hood’s most diverse and scenic terrain! Featuring an incredibly well-supported and very crew accessible lollipop-loop style course with 17,300’ of ascent and 17,300’ descent, Hood Hundred provides a truly epic mountain trail endurance challenge.Staged at Mt. Hood Meadows, a locally owned and operated ski area, Hood Hundred combines equal parts trail running community vibes and professional event production, where we celebrate the sport of trail and ultra running, honor the mountain and celebrate each other’s accomplishments under the volcano’s summit at the finish line.The 2025 race is a Western States Qualifier.
Land Acknowledgement: We honor and recognize that we gather for this event on the traditional lands of the Molalla, Kalapuyan, Chinookan Clackamas, Wasco and Wishram, and Northern Paiute peoples and other Sahaptin speakers who have occupied and stewarded these lands for countless generations.