La Porte Triathlon

Indiana's longest-running triathlon is back for its 45th year! Yes, you read that correctly: 45 years!
We proudly announce that the LaPorte triathlon is now part of the Tris4Health events family. We cannot thank the Northwest Indiana Triathletes enough for trusting us to continue this event, hopefully for another 45 years.
So, what's going to change now that Tris4Health is involved? Rest assured, not much. You'll see a few small things, like adding an aquabike category and removing the duathlon relays. These changes are designed to enhance the athlete experience and appeal to a broader group of athletes. While we hate to see the duathlon relays go, we have found they appeal to a tiny segment of multisport athletes. In contrast, adding the aquabike category helps bring new people to the sport, and the duathlon relay athletes can still participate by signing up in our triathlon relay category. If you can't find a swimmer (it's always a swimmer), reach out and we will be happy to play Relay Team Tinder for you!
Our goal is to take an already outstanding event and elevate it slightly with increased branding and awareness, reaching into nearby states such as Michigan, Illinois, and Indiana. The race featured four athletes from Michigan last year, and I promise we can beat that!