Vashon Island Ultramarathon - RaceCenter

Vashon Island Ultramarathon

June 7, 2025

All races will embark from the same start line/finish line at the Gateway Trail system near SW 178th and 103rd SW.. Porta Potties are at 0, .5, 1.4 and 6 miles. If "going" in the woods, please step off the trail and be discrete. A map/course GPX will be emailed to entrants a week prior to the event as the course passes through private property, and we want to keep traffic down on those portions to keep friendly relations. Otherwise, go on to Strava and look up the course from past winners/runners. The first 1/4 mile will be dirt road, then taking runners into Island Center Forest’s Gateway Trail system.

Runners will get their first exposure to the Gateway Trail – one of the newest additions to ICF’s trail system. Runners will travel around in a general clockwise direction, first heading to the 188th lot, onto the 188th Trail, Valley of the Firs, Grinder, Mikes and Craigs, middle and north trails, borrow pit, to AS1 at Fisher Pond, around the pond to 115th, then back into the ICF and around Mukai Pond and the perimeter of Dragons Head Cider Farm. There, you only have a mile to go to the finish/AS2/turnaround. As usual the course will be clearly marked – but runners should remain alert just the same. The course will basically travel the interior and perimeter of the park, ending up back at the Start/Finish, where the 10 milers will finish and the 50k runners will head back out on Gateway Trail for two more loops.